Raistlin kalbinin derinliklerinde iyi biriydi.Ama onun yegane dostu, kardeÅ?i Caramon'du. Bu da (arkadaÅ?ının olmaması) onun özelliklerini dıÅ?arı vurmasını önlüyordu. ArkadaÅ?ının olmamasının nedeni hastalıklı olması ve dıÅ?arıda oyun oynamak yerine kitapları tercih etmesiydi.
Bu durum üvey ablası Kitiara’yı rahatsız ediyordu.KardeÃ…?lerinin kendisini savunmalarını istiyordu. Beyaz cüppelilerden Antimodes’in Raistlin’i bulması bu durumun gerçekleÃ…?mesi için imkan saÄ?lıyordu.Antimodes onu bir okula yazdırdı. Okulda, Raistlin’e saygı duyuluyordu. Ã?ünkü diÄ?erlerine göre daha zeki ve hırsılıydı. Hiç arkadaÃ…?ının olmaması,onun diÄ?erlerine soÄ?uk davranması, onun sinsi olarak adlandırılmasına neden oluyordu. Okulda öÄ?retmeni bile ona saygı duyuyordu.
Raistlin’in hırslı oluÃ…?u,büyüsü içi her Ã…?eyi yapabilecek durumda olması daha ilk sınavında (okulunda) büyünün tanrılarıyla anlaÃ…?ma yapmasına neden olmuÃ…?tu.
Ancak bunun geriside geliyordu.Yüksek Büyücülük Kulesi’nde girdiÄ?i sınavda da birisiyle anlaÃ…?ma yapmıÅ?tı. Fistandantilus Krynn’de rastlanan en büyük baÃ…? büyücülerden biri. Sınav geliÃ…?meleri Ã…?öyle olmuÃ…?tu;
Caramaon, Raistlin’in sınava girmesini istemiyordu.Daha önce sınava giren büyücülerin bir kısmının hayatını kaybettiÄ?ini biliyordu.Aslına Meclis de bunu istiyordu. Ã?ünkü onun içinde gizli bir güç vardı.Ya Krynn’i kurtaracak ya da yok edecek bir güç. Ancak Raistlin sınavda kendini göstermiÃ…?ti.
Sınavda Raistlin’in görevi, Lemuel diye eski bir arkadaÃ…?ının evinden büyü kitapları çalmaktı. Büyü için yapardı. Ve Kara Elflerin isteÄ?ini kabul etti.
Eve girdiler.Kitapların nerede olduÄ?unu biliyordu.Bodrumda.Ev boÃ…? gibi görünüyordu.Elfler yukarıda kaldı o aÃ…?aÄ?ıya indi.Kitapları buldu ama orada biri oturuyordu.Kara cüppeler içinde bir adam. Adam Lemuel’in savaÃ…? büyücüsü olan babası deÄ?ildi.Adamla Raistlin arasında bir konuÃ…?ma oldu.O Fistandantilus'tu. Ve ikisi de Elflerin Raistlin’in kitap yok dediÄ?i zaman ona inanmayacaÄ?ını biliyordu.Ancak elfler ondan daha güçlüydü.Bire karÃ…?ı üç.Raistlin’in yapabileceÄ?i, onları canlarını alabilecek bir büyü yoktu.Ama sınavı geçmek zorundaydı. Fistandantilus'la bir anlaÃ…?ma yaptı. Fistandantilus, Raistlin'e yardım edecek bunun karÃ…?ılıÄ?ında Raistlin de ona karÃ…?ılıÄ?ını verecekti.Ruhunu.Kara Elfler onu gördüÄ?ü gibi ateÃ…? topu büyüsü yapmıÅ?tı. Ancak top vücuduna çarpmıÅ? ama bir etki yaratmadan yok olmuÃ…?tu.Raistlin bunun Fistandantilus’un koruması olduÄ?unu biliyordu.Kendiside büyüsünü yaptı ve 5 tane küçük ok ellerinden fırladı.Elfler güldü ancak oklar birden çoÄ?almaya baÃ…?ladı.On,yirmi ve elflerden ikisi ölmüÅ?tü ancak üçüncüsü ortalıkta yoktu.Raistlin oradan çıktı.Kara Elf pusu kurmuÃ…?tu. Raistlin'i sırtından bıçakladı.Ve aralarında bir dövüÅ? baÃ…?ladı. Raistlin elfi öldürdü ancak bıçak zehirliydi.Bu arada Fistandantilus ile yaptıÄ?ı anlaÃ…?manın kendi bölümünü sildiÄ?ini söyledi.Fistandantilus ’eÄ?er zırhın gerçek ve kaliteli çelikten yapılmıÅ?sa, o zaman kurtulursun. EÄ?er zırhın cüruftan yapılmıÅ?sa, ilk esintide çatlayacaktır ve bu olduÄ?unda içine gireceÄ?im ve benim olanı alacaÄ?ım,’ dedi.
Caramon, Raistlin’i kurtarmaya geldi.Ancak Fistandantilus hala oradaydı. Caramon zırhını bıraktı ve büyü sözlerini söyledi.Fistandantilus vuruldu. Bir daha vuruldu. Ve yok oldu. Ancak Raistlin kardeÃ…?inin böyle bir büyüyü nasıl yaptıÄ?ına hayret etmiÃ…?ti.Ve kıskanmıÅ?tı. Kalktı ve son enerjisiyle büyü sözlerini mırıldandı. Caramon'u öldürmüÅ?tü. Tekrar yattı. Fistandantilus tekrar belirdi ve söylediÄ?i sözleri tekrarlayıp, Raistlin’in kalbine yapıÅ?tı. Raistlin de refleks olarak onun eline yapıÅ?tı. Aralarındaki son söz Raistlin’in söylediÄ?i ‘hayatımı alabilirsin, ancak karÃ…?ılıÄ?ında bana hizmet edeceksin,’ oldu.
KardeÃ…?ini öldürmesi bütün büyücüler arasında yayıldı. Caramon da Raistlin’in sınavını izlemiÃ…?ti.Ve onun, kendini (Caramon’u) öldürdüÄ?ünü biliyordu ancak onu hala seviyordu.Ve aralarında bir anlaÃ…?ma yapıldı bu olaydan kimseye bahsedilmeyecekti.
Early LÄ°FE
When Raistlin was a young boy, he was picked on because of his slight stature and frail health. He has a twin, his brother Caramon Majere, who was exactly the opposite of Raistlin - strong, but slightly dull. Due to Caramon's physical strength, Caramon often protected Raistlin from other boys. This caused Raistlin to be both thankful and angry, since he disliked others pitying him or the need to rely on others. He also has a half-sister, Kitiara. For many years, the siblings lived in Solace with their mother Rosamun and father Gilon. Kitiara uth Matar had already by this time left Solace in an effort to discover the whereabouts of her father. Kitiara was the one who saved Raistlin as a newborn, refusing to let him die, despite the fact that the woman who helped her mother deliver the two babies suggested to let him die, because he was weak and sickly. As a result, the two shared a strange love/hate relationship.
Almost as if to balance out his sickly nature, Raistlin was granted an extremely intelligent mind and a power to control magic that he inherited from his mother. She had the gift of prophecy, which she shied away from because whenever she had a vision, she would enter a trance and wouldn't come out of it for days. When Rosamun's husband, Gilon, died due to a tree falling on him and crushing his legs, she sank into a trance that lasted until her death. Raistlin both hated and pitied her for this, hatred stemming from his belief that she left him alone and pity because she never fully accepted her gift.
For a time, Raistlin earned a living as a street performer, doing coin tricks and sleight of hand. At a very young age, he was apprenticed to older wizards by his half-sister. It was during those early years that he began to seriously study magic, while his brother trained alongside Sturm Brightblade, under the tutelage of Kitiara. Raistlin quickly surpassed his teacher in the magical arts, and travelled with his brother and half sister as mercenaries. In Solace, they first encountered Tanis Half-Elven and Flint Fireforge.
Shortly afterwards, Raistlin and his brother left their companions on a private quest involving Raistlin taking The Test at the Towers of High Sorcery. His test came in the form of a conflict with three dark elves. During the test, he witnessed an illusion of his physically robust brother performing powerful magic to dwarf his own. In a fit of jealousy, he demonstrated his ruthless nature in killing the vision of his twin brother whilst Caramon watched helplessly. Later in the Test, it became evident that he was going to fail and perish. He was contacted telepathically by the dead archwizard Fistandantilus, who offered Raistlin access to his vast stores of magical power and protection from the dark elves' magic in exchange for some of Raistlin's life energy, providing nourishment for his spirit. Though the Test was carefully designed by the elder mages to be within the capabilities of the individual accepted for testing to pass, Raistlin accepted Fistandantilus' offer anyway.
Already weak physically, Raistlin's health was shattered almost completely after the test, due to the life energy he gave to Fistandantilus. Par-Salian, head of the Tower and the Conclave of Wizards, gave Raistlin his hourglass-shaped pupils so that he could see time as it affects all things, in an attempt to teach him humility and compassion for others. Plants he looked at would wither and die before his eyes; mortals would grow old and decay in his sight. This plan backfired, however, and Raistlin grew ever more bitter and angry because of this curse. Because of the extreme damage done to him during his Test, Par-Salian also gave him a recipe for an herbal tea which helped alleviate the cough that wracked his body. His skin was also rendered a golden color as a result of a protection spell he assumed was cast by Fistandantilus on him in his battle against the dark elves, but was actually told by fisandantilus it was a armor of his making. The gold patina protected Raistlin from the old liches energy sapping grip until he was stabbed in which fistandantilus merged with his soul and caused Raistlin to forget his memory of the old lich after the test. Regardless, with Fistandantilus' magical power at his disposal, he rapidly became by far the most powerful magic-user on Krynn, outstripping even elven mages centuries older than he.
After the Test, Raistlin was gifted with the Staff of Magius, belonging originally to Magius, one of the most powerful mages from the Dragonwars. Raistlin also donned the Red Robes, symbolizing neutrality or a balance between good and evil. Many look upon red robe mages as people who walk their own path.
The Kingdom of Ergoth enacted laws that Mages be allowed one bladed implement for their safety due to the unique rules of magic in the world of Krynn. , these laws were created to honer the memory of huma dragonbane and his use of the dragonlance. The dagger that Raistlin carried was given to him by his first friend outside of the Companions, the wizard-turned-botanist Lemuel who resided in Haven. During the Test, it was at Lemuel's house that Raistlin first encountered Fistandantilus, at that time, a lich. During this time, Fistandantilus merged with Raistlin, and he would guide Raistlin's hand on several occasions, with Raistlin having no memory of this joining for many years.
Not long after Raistlin left the Tower of High Sorcery, he and his brother found themselves in poor straits, financially. It was also at this time that they heard of a new army gathering, information given to them by the White wizard Antimodes, a close friend of Par-Salian. It was during this period that Raistlin and Caramon would encounter two new friends: a brown-robed mage(brown robes given to those who never take the test) named Horkin, and a half-kender named Scrounger.
At this same time, Kitiara had traveled to Sanction, meeting Ariakas, the man who was currently favored by the Dark Queen. Ariakas, did not yet trust Kitiara, and he gave her a mission to lure Immolatus, a red dragon, to his command. The dragon, embittered by the loss of his treasure, had declined orders to join forces with Ariakas. Kitiara's guile and quick-thinking led to her triumphant return to Ariakas with dragon in tow.
It was when Raistlin first encountered Immolatus that a new ability of Raistlin's cursed eyes was revealed. Upon encountering a dragon garbed in mortal guise, he could see partially through its transformation. In the book Brothers in Arms, the first encounter with Immolatus is described as such:
"What Raistlin saw was a blurred portrait, two faces instead of one, two faces in a botched painting, as if the artist had allowed all the colors to run together. One face was the face of a human wizard. The other face was more difficult to see, but Raistlin had a fleeting impression of red, vibrant red, glittering red. There was something reptilian about the man, something reptilian about his second face" (298).
Immolatus mistakenly thought that Raistlin was a descendant of Magius, for he possessed the Staff of Magius. After Raistlin was intimidated by the disguised red dragon, he escaped the tent and returned to his own army's camp.
It was Immolatus' mission to locate for Takhisis the eggs of the gold and silver dragons that lay in the mountains nearby where the city was besieged. Raistlin and Caramon, taking their wounded to a temple that had once belonged to Paladine, Leader of the gods of Light , found themselves exploring it, along with Scrounger. It was there that the twins ran into Immolatus again. As of the end of Brothers in Arms, Raistlin and Caramon remain with the army.
_Attempt at Godhood_
Although the Conclave had previously believed that Raistlin harboured plans to conquer the world, they later learned through Raistlin's apprentice, Dalamar, that Raistlin's ambition stretched much further than this.
Raistlin studied Fistandantilus' voluminous works on crossing the threshold between god and man, and decided to embark on an attempt to usurp Takhisis, the Queen of Darkness. Much of Fistandantilus' research had been lost in the ravages that Krynn had endured during and after the Cataclysm, and so Raistlin travelled backwards through time to the reign of the Kingpriest.
Once there, he confronted Fistandantilus and the two fought for supremacy. Raistlin won, stealing not only the archmage's identity and lifeforce (restoring the lifeforce he sacrificed to Fistandantilus in the Test), but also the vast knowledge that Fistandantilus had accumulated over the course of his one-thousand year lifespan.
In a desperate attempt to stop him, the Conclave sent Raistlin's twin brother Caramon back in time along with the cleric Crysania. The kender Tasslehoff Burrfoot (who "accidentally" found himself present during the time travel spell's casting) wandered back in time with Caramon and Crysania, a product of their curious nature. Raistlin, however, had beguiled Crysania, as he would require her abilities to succeed in his plans; he had anticipated that the Conclave's only option would be to send her back through time, and was thus able to use her, and them, to further his pursuits. Only a true cleric of Paladine working together with a mage of the Black Robes could open the great portal to the Abyss where Takhisis had been imprisoned, and in this way, the mages of old had hoped to forever prevent her from entering the world.
Escaping the Cataclysm, Raistlin travelled forward in time, where he initiated the Dwarfgate Wars (in the guise of Fistandantilus), in attempt to reach the magical fortress of Zhaman, where the Portal lay.
Caring nothing for the war itself or those around him, he relentlessly pursued his objective. He saw everyone merely as pawns to be used in the greater game he played with the Dark Queen. Everyone, including his brother, could be sacrificed if it furthered his gain. Unlike Fistandantilus, Raistlin was able to overcome the devastating magical fluctuations that were caused when Caramon activated a time travel device whilst the great portal was being opened because of the presence of Tasslehoff Burrfoot (allowing the future to be changed).
The result of the powerful collision of magical forces was a spectacular explosion that ended the Dwarfgate War, destroyed Zhaman and catapulted Caramon and Tasslehoff into the future. Raistlin, however, survived and entered the Abyss with Crysania. There he began to face his greatest challenge, a battle with the Dark Queen herself.
Leaving Crysania dying as a result of the injuries that had been incurred by protecting him from the Dark Queen's legions of minions, Raistlin retreated to the portal, hoping to draw the Dark Queen back into the mortal realm, where he reasoned he would be the stronger of the two.
After crossing back into the world of Krynn, Raistlin subsequently succeeded in his defeat of the Queen. An hourglass-like constellation appeared in the sky, in place of the constellation of the Queen of Darkness. Caramon travelled into the future and witnessed the end result of Raistlin's bid for godhood: the battle between Raistlin, the gods and Takhisis had destroyed nearly everything upon Krynn, leaving Raistlin a world which he ruled alone, a world populated by death, decay and shattered lands; a world where he was doomed to exist for all eternity with only himself, and nothing left in his soul.
In order to prevent the world from being destroyed, Caramon used the device of time journeying to travel back in time and confront Raistlin before he could succeed in his battle with the Dark Queen. According to Caramon, Raistlin then realized the folly of his actions and sacrificed his life to stop the Dark Queen from entering the world. By remaining in the Abyss, Raistlin allowed his brother the time he needed to return to Krynn and close the portal, thus preventing the Dark Queen from following.
Caramon suffered grief as a result of his twin's fate, and later, as he was preparing to take his own life, had a vision of Raistlin's spirit being rescued and given peace by Paladine. This version of events was retold throughout Krynn, and Raistlin became a popular hero for his self-sacrifice.
According to legend, although Raistlin's doomed attempt for Godhood perhaps indicated the flawed nature of his personality, it was his final sacrifice that in many ways redeemed him. For all of his accomplishments, both intellectual and material, it was his victory over the darker side of his own nature that was perhaps his greatest achievement.
_Raistlin's return_
In the later short story The Legacy, Caramon's son Palin is summoned for his Test, winding up at the Tower of High Sorcery in Palanthas. Dalamar conjures what he believes to be an illusion of Raistlin as part of the Test of Palin, but his spell inadvertently allows Raistlin's actual spirit access to the prime material plane (though he does not realize this himself until well after the Test has concluded.) Dalamar magically sealed Raistlin's laboratory at the top of the Tower of High Sorcery in Palanthas, so that no mortal could ever again enter and discover Fistandantilus' and Raistlin's research on how to become a god.
Raistlin returned again, a year later, during the Chaos War. He was instrumental in the defeat of Chaos, even though the gods had stripped him of his power as the price for his hubris.
Raistlin's spirit also assisted the gods to find Krynn at the conclusion of the War of Souls, after Takhisis or the "One God" stole Krynn and transported it to another part of the galaxy. Then, with his brother Caramon and the Heroes of the Lance, Raistlin finally joined the River of Souls, and disappeared for the final time.
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